Keystone hardware wallet support

Been thinking it could be helpful for Namada to have hardware wallet support beyond Ledger. I’ve had a couple of Keystone devices that I’ve enjoyed using–it’s a neat solution for secure, air-gapped signing using QR codes. Can skim through this video to get a sense for how it works:

I reached out to Josh (ECC). ECC was impressed with the Keystone team’s approach and commitment.

Keystone has been around since 2018, here’s a bit of their history: Keystone: Who we are | Keystone Hardware Wallet

Keystone team is currently working on support for Monero, and have ambitions to go deep into supporting privacy-focused projects. Brent and I met Lixin and Aaron from Keystone yesterday, and I suggested that they make a short post here to introduce themselves, their company, and their product.


Hey Namada fams!

I am Lixin - CEO of Keystone hardware wallet. I am happy to be here to get connected!

We recently integrated Zashi wallet to give Zcash a full support, including shielded address (reference Keystone Hardware Wallet Support Grant Application - Applications - Zcash Community Forum). And then we got introduced to Gavin to talk about supporting Namada.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


as a Zcash user who now used Keystone id really like to see Namada also supported on Keystone.
its way better than most other hardware wallets for UX.

(kinda surprised how little activity u guys have on the forum)

accelerate privacy :rocket:


hey thanks, that’s helpful to know :raised_hands:

(there was lots of enthusiasm other places, like twitter & discord… gotta up our forum game!)


I am also from the Zcash forum and I can also confirm that Keystone is a great team that builds cool HW and the integration with Zashi was probably the key event for our community last year and it allowed us to significantly increase the amount of ZEC storage in the modern Orchard pool. Anyone can check it out here.


Can we do grid plus too please?