[moved] replies concerned about uptime mission removals in Nomination topic

There were around 250 active set validators in the SE, 55 validators is around 20% of validators achieving the uptime tasks, it is not 0.2% or 0.02% it is 20%. How can you claim that 20% of validators achieving uptime is ‘such a limited set of participants were able to compete for these missions’?

For the governance missions there was 62.5 billion ROIDs the same as for the uptime missions. Achieving the governance missions gives around 1 billion roid meaning that only around 60 validators achieved the governance tasks, but 60 from ~10,000 pilots, since all could vote for governance. So this is 0.6% of the ~10,000 pilots set achieving governance versus 20% (55 validators including 13 post genesis) of the ~250 pilots set achieving uptime. So 20% is 33 times larger than 0.6%. How can Gavin claim on the forum that he removed the uptime missions because '‘such a limited set of participants were able to compete for these missions’ when 33x more achieved uptime than governance from the set of participants in each mission?

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