Proposing mainnet software upgrade to v1.1.1 at block 894,000

Hello Namada community,

I am proposing that we coordinate a mainnet software upgrade to occur at block height 894,000, which is expected to occur in between 15:00 and 16:00 UTC on Thursday, February 13, 2025. See estimates of the expected amount of time until this height is reached in the following two links:

This upgrade requires coordination to upgrade at a specific height because v1.1.1 is consensus-breaking with respect to v1.0.0. Namada v1.1.1 has been thoroughly tested on both Campfire and Housefire testnets.

Operators can download the binaries from the github here: Release Namada 1.1.1 · anoma/namada · GitHub. Please note that operators running on Ubuntu 22.04 machines will likely need to build from source.

The general process for upgrading will require operators to stop their nodes right before executing height 894,000 (which can be done easily and automatically), swap out for the upgraded binaries, and then restart the nodes, at which point the network will need to wait until > 2/3 of the network voting power comes back online with the new binaries.

Specific instructions will come soon. Follow along some active discussion on discord.

Thanks for your continued cooperation!


Supporting this proposal

Mandragora supports this one.

ITRocket supporting this proposal

KonsorTech support that proposal upgrade.

OriginStake supporting this proposal

itudou supports this proposal.

Supporting this proposal!

We voted YAY for this one . Lets go !

Supported and voted!

We supported this proposal

Supporting this one. supports this !

We are in support of this proposal :+1:

Chainflow supports this proposal!

Hey everyone, here’s an update on the necessary steps in order to execute the software upgrade later this week. In general, the upgrade will work very similarly to the upgrade we performed during the dry-run (though even easier since no state migration is required).

  1. Download or build the namada binaries from source for v1.1.1 and place them somewhere on your node.
  2. Set your ledger to run until the target block height, at which point it will automatically halt or shut down:
    export BLOCK_HEIGHT=894000
    namadan ledger run-until --block-height $BLOCK_HEIGHT --halt
    Note: you should still be using namadan v1.0.0 in the above command.
  3. Your node will halt after executing / committing block BLOCK_HEIGHT - 1. At this point, shut your node down and replace your namadan on path with the new namadan v1.1.1.
  4. Restart your ledger with the new v1.1.1 binary:
    namadan ledger run

At this point, once at least 2/3 of the network voting power has completed these steps, you should start seeing the production of blocks once again.


ready :saluting_face: :saluting_face: :saluting_face: :saluting_face: :saluting_face: :saluting_face: :saluting_face: :saluting_face: :saluting_face: :saluting_face:

Ready, supporting this proposal!

We’re supporting this proposal

Hey folks, I would like to add this heads up for any of you who use systemd to manage their Namada node binary.

Please make sure to set the service template to NOT auto restart via Restart=no

For example, here is our configuration:

#ExecStart=/root/.cargo/bin/namada node ledger run
ExecStart=/root/.cargo/bin/namada node ledger run-until --block-height 894000 --halt


NOTE: you will see the commented lines that will be put back into effect after the update.