Shielded Expedition - WhisperNode

Hello Namada World!

WhisperNode is extremely excited for the Shielded Expedition! We’re hoping to get a coveted Pilot Spot and assemble and all-star crew.

As the games begin we just wanted to reach out to the community and any interested Crew members to start getting prepped for the Expedition.

  1. As a pre-genesis Crew Member (user) please make sure to sign up using this form BEFORE JANUARY 2, 2024:
    You can download the browser extension wallet for purposes of filling out the form just be sure to keep your private keys safe. We will be importing this wallet into the CLI later on.

  2. Join the WhisperNode Discord and keep an eye on the “:shield:-namada-shielded-expedition” channel. We will coordinate in the WhisperNode discord. Whispernode will be creating guides and walkthroughs throughout the process as we mine asteroids together as a team.

Phase 1: Preparation “Launch Control”

From Phase 0 WhisperNode will be developing the strategy, tactics, plan, and gathering the resources needed before the expedition begins to maximize ROID accrual.

Phase 2: Pre-Genesis “Afterburn”

The Shielded Expedition genesis file will be published on Monday, the 8th of January 2024. This file includes the genesis accounts from the selected 100 Pilots and all correctly registered Crew Members with NAAN balances allocated.

Phase 3: Genesis “Orbital Injection”

Around 16:00 UTC on Friday, the 12th of January 2024, the Anoma Foundation will propose the Shielded Expedition genesis block files. The genesis time will be set to 16:00 UTC on the 16th of January 2024.

Phase 4: Expedition “Cruising”

The Shielded Expedition can last anywhere from 14 to 21 solar calendar days from genesis, and possibly more as the shielded universe is only bound by the sybil-resistance (CPoS), consensus (CometBFT) algorithms, the laws of physics – and the chaos caused by Pilots and Crew members.

During the expedition Pilots and Crew Members will appear on the Nebb, a public tabular (leaderboard) ranking in real-time all Pilots and Crew Members based on the amount of ROID they have accumulated. By the end of the expedition, the final state on the Nebb will persist as a record in the chronology of the shielded ecosystem.

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