Decoding of IBC transaction types is now supported

We’re proud to announce that we have achieved a huge milestone before mainnet launch. Fadroma (Namada) is now supporting the decoding of IBC transaction types. This is a game-changer in the Namada ecosystem, as builders will now be able to leverage it to further enhance their interfaces/platforms/apps/explorers/indexers having valuable metrics to display.

This is really a significant achievement, as now, e.g. data like in/outs (both total # of transfers and token amounts involved) of transparent, shielding and unshielding IBC transfers of each IBC asset can be collected, as well as respective IBC transactions information in the addresses transactions history, etc.

It may take a little bit for final changes to be pushed to the repository (you can find out here the respective code in the meantime GitHub - hackbg/namada-ibc-decoder).
fadroma/packages/namada at v2 · hackbg/fadroma · GitHub

We put a lot of efforts and love on this, enjoy it! :slightly_smiling_face:

@cwgoes @Gavin @adrian @awa @brentstone


Awesome! It would be easy to start working with code examples

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That’s really cool! Hex decoder of course helped to understand what was inside, but without proper implementation it was no good)

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i’m late seeing this post–amazing :tada: :fire:

this should help us measure progress in our goals, and help people reason around the impact that Namada is having

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