We’re quickly approaching Phase 3, which will introduce IBC deposits. It would be to have a dashboard to see key metrics, especially once rewards are activated!
Not sure if this is best to be standalone or integrated into an existing app, like one of the Namada explorers or the Namadillo interface: https://namada.net/apps
I think that this sort of thing would garner a lot of attention and use
This would be really great for storytelling! And for getting values-aligned folks rowing in the same direction.
I’d love to see a chart annotated for events, so that over time we can develop a provable theory on when shielded vs unshielded tx change in volume. In the short term we can understand how incentives play a role, and in the long term we can understand the macro/political drivers of demand for private financial tx.
a subset of this would make a great namada.net landing page:
a) quantity of each token type in the MASP
b) per-epoch NAM reward rate estimate for each token type
and then it’d be amazing if someone in our community sees an opportunity for a standalone dashboard with more refined stats, trends, etc
So far I have no idea how to get APR for each MASP asset separately.
It would be cool if engineers can tell us what queries can be used to get such data:
current MASP reward rate for each asset (how many NAM tokens you can get per 1 this masp token per year (or per epoch)
how many tokens were distributed for each MASP token per epoch
who knows what other metrics will be handy in Explorer for masp - pls write in comments