: explorer75.org - Namada explorer powered by pro-nodes75

This topic about our exporer75

Namada Mainnet explorer:

OBSOLETE: links for Dry Run testnet:
OBSOLETE: https://explorer75.org/namada-dryrun

Housefire Testnet explorer

For now the development is not finished yet. The new features will be added in near future.

This thread will be used to post information about Explorer updates. If you have found a bug, feel free to post it here. If you have an idea how to improve explorer functionality - don’t hesitate to post it here too.

Regards pro-nodes75 validator team :mountain_snow: :satellite:


This is very nice. So simple and easy to navigate. Great work!

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It doesn’t work for me unfortunately :frowning_face:

The first link shows 404.
The second link is basic auth protected.
The third link works for me.
The fourth link is basic auth protected.

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Just a quick note - I really like how this explorer shows the genesis tags associated with accounts!

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Thanks for testing!
we set up a redirect to the main domain (from explorer.node75.org).
Dryrun explorer - https://explorer75.org/namada-dryrun
Mainnet explorer (while there’s a placeholder) https://explorer75.org/namada

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Pls try again. We solve all domain-issues

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Added page with current status of IBC channels.


The user interface will still be improved, plus counterparty client status will be added soon

The amount of OSMO is incorrectly multiplied by 1 million because the base unit is uosmo.

Here was 0.1 OSMO transferred, which is displayed as 100000 OSMO.

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big thanks, I will fix it

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Fixed) let’s try https://explorer75.org/namada-dryrun/tx/31C8AF376FDACDE91DE5D39704DB78940956CB6CB4CC227B2B7FB8AEFED05B47
Thanks again for pointing that out. I had to redesign the logic of working with tokens, but it was worth it

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Great, I am not an OSMO millionaire anymore :upside_down_face:

Was it hard to fix? What if next time there will be a nanoTIA or picoAKASH?

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It was not very hard to fix. next time there shouldn’t be such a problem) I hope I’ve made a fairly universal solution for different tokens
Each token have to types of decimals - public and “true”. For example OSMO has different decimals values https://explorer75.org/namada-dryrun/tokens/tnam1p5z8ruwyu7ha8urhq2l0dhpk2f5dv3ts7uyf2n75

Nam has same decimals https://explorer75.org/namada-dryrun/tokens/tnam1q9gr66cvu4hrzm0sd5kmlnjje82gs3xlfg3v6nu7


We add support housefire chain in explorer75

link: https://explorer75.org/namada-housefire

The link to testnet in explorer75 is not yet available, use the direct link.


@shurinov Any idea why some accounts show a decreasing balance in phase 2? Maybe related to unbonding?



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Thanks Rigorous! It’s known issue (we lost bonding/unbonding tokens from total balance) It will be fixed soon

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This is an address that received 4000 NAM from the Donor Drop. Its genesis balance is 1261 NAM.

Why is its NAM total 4004 instead of 5261 NAM?

The answer can be found on another explorer.

1260 NAM has been unbonded and can be withdrawn, but this information is missing from explorer75.

For a complete overview, it would be nice to see the unbonded amount.

(Valopers does not show the 4000 NAM and has not fixed the double Claimable Rewards and Commissions)


yep, it’s the one that’s still unresolved. :neutral_face: Will be fixed! Thank you for sharing.


Im curious in which way is explorer75 developing in terms of UI / UX? Is it going to be more of a tool for token holders or more of an analytical tool for stakers and validators?

In general, I would like to make a tool for both holders and analytics. But for users, the main tool will still be Namada Interface. Explorer - unshielded data only.