Name an underappreciated validator

Dear validator operators and Namadians! Following the Anoma Foundation’s delegations, I’m curious to know:

  1. which validator was passed over?
  2. which validator did not receive adequate delegation amount?

Most importantly, why do you think they should have been selected or received a larger delegation? Please try to pick someone else, not your validator :pleading_face:

I’d like for this topic to become a community resource that anyone can see and use to help them make their delegation decisions.

Thanks to @citizenweb3 for inspiring this :heart:


These seems like a serious claim to the question:


I have been looking throughout the consensus set, and I’ll definitely name validators with low stake that I saw contributing in various ways since we are involved in Namada. I’m probably missing few with a better position in the consensus set, but I have decided to name little validators.

1 - “spidey” and “papadritta”.

2 - given the nature of the selection criteria and distribution of the AF program (especifically), I wouldn’t say that any validator didn’t receive adequate delegation amount. If the distribution according to the selection criteria would have been different, my opinion would be different then too.

Spidey was very active and supportive in the SE times if I recall.

Papadritta is or was usually active on testings after SE and before mainnet.


i think Perfect could use some :heart:

Perfect is among a big list of validators that went through hell and high water to keep their uptime through the… (still have some ptsd and don’t wanna say the name of that incentivized testnet :skull::skull:)

here’s a screenshot of the top 99% uptimers, and a link to all of the noteworthy participants is here


It is absolutely the right decision to reward all these people with a delegation, as without it, there is very little incentive for them to maintain a validator. This approach will promote decentralization and help prevent tokens from being sold. :+1:


I name Spidey, Konsortech, F5Nodes. .


I believe that this award will stimulate the data of validators, and it will be good on your part!


Spidey supported in the SE
Kelpie From the beginning of the testnet. Moderates ru chat room. Active everywhere )

But it’s very strange to grade on uptime when there were jailed errors.

Why aren’t participation in the test networks counted ? Validators who started servers from the 1st testnet ? Without them how would the network be tested ?


i choose famnode validator

Hello. I would like to say this. There is a list of validators who have not signed any blocks and cannot do so (including me). Their list is here: Uptime Dashboard This is because many of them have made efforts to launch and validators are working, but they are below the threshold due to insufficient allocation. These validators are much less visible than the large and working ones, but unfortunately, at this stage, buying NAMs to overcome the threshold is not possible (as far as I know). It would be great to support at least some of them or perhaps make some kind of presale for them.


99% uptime in SE is big feat.

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Kelpie is currently sadly jailed.

Thanks @888Tnso for spotting me. :heart:

Hello @Adrian and @Gavin, last week I made the decision to suspend my node, so it is in jail (offline).

Reasons for this:
I have been a Namada volunteer for the last 2+ years, as a moderator of the Namada Discord community, a participant in all ≈15 testnets, a member of a shielded expedition, and a mainet validator since the launch of the network, and in that time, unfortunately for me, I have not received any grants or delegations at the mainet launch from the team, nor have I become a Recipient of the Namada Delegation Program from AF, after filling out the fall form or something else.

All of this took up a lot of resources, both financial and labor without feedback during this time, so it was with a heavy heart that I made this decision for myself. Because it became too costly for me.

Although I am no longer a validator, I am also still a part of Namada and will continue to be here as a moderator and community member.

I hope your delegations find worthy ones and it happens as soon as possible.
But no for me as a validator.


We delegated from our personal stake (its small, so it is what it is - hopes it helps to stay afloat) to 3 different vals:

  • KonsorTech

  • NewtonZone

  • MurphyNode

Architect Node are cool too, but it seems they are not struggling anymore =) The idea was to pick from those who wrote to us and were more at the bottom of the set.

Validator with 99% uptime should be supported with the foundation delegation to make their ops sustainable.

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spidey also comes to mind! He was very helpful during SE!