To celebrate the launch of the Namada Mainnet, I propose creating its first flagship NFT collection on Stargaze. A collection of unique NFTs will showcase Namada’s core values of privacy, freedom, and innovation, strengthening community identity and boosting its visibility in the Web3 space. Let’s gather a team and make this iconic project a reality, marking a pivotal moment in Namada’s history.
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Sounds like a great idea! I am happy to write the smart contract code, but have no design skills, so somebody else will have to provide the jpegs. Also hosting the jpegs cost a bit of money depending on the extent of permanence/decentralisation we would want . How should we do the minting logic? Mint with NAM? Mint if can sign message with a tpknam in the genesis file? If there is a NAM cost, where does this NAM go?
Anyway, happy to hop on as a contract dev, but that’s all I can offer.
Also, I don’t think this is the correct location for this topic. Probably move it to somewhere like general?
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