[Draft] Signalling proposal - Will you support an airdrop campaign using Namada's PGF?

Dec 21: this signalling proposal passed → https://shielded.live/proposal/2

The ICO days had their fair share of issues, but it was amazing that anyone could participate. ICOs were replaced with privates sales, and meme coins more recently. With Namada, we have a new distribution mechanism that’s ready to be showcased: on-chain PGF.

What’s particularly exciting is that people can get access to our community token before there’s a market. How? We can airdrop to any addresses. In this case, we can airdrop to addresses that donate to a public good / service.

If you want NAM → donate. Not only will this drive donations and attention to important causes, and it will help Namada to win some good karma.

@Rigorous suggested Coin Center, and a number of us agree. There’s been a decent amount of support in the Discord hot topic, as well as today’s Validator Circle. No pushback, so far.

Namada, do you support this?

  • 1m - 2m NAM from PGF (2% - 4% of the yearly budget)
  • allocated to Coin Center donors
  • during a three week campaign
  • using a follow-up PGF proposal with the designated donor addresses

Namada marketing and comms is ready to help :muscle:
If the Namada community is down, we can ask Coin Center if they want to help get the word out and get this campaign rocking. Let’s make this fast, feisty, and :fire: :fire:

We’re going to launch a signalling proposal as soon as possible to gauge staker interest :rocket:
If you think that this is directionally correct, let it be known! :mega:

Further reading

Coin Center team has done and is doing key advocacy work that has influenced crypto policies, regulations, and laws in the USA. The rest of the world is watching.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling validated their argument, and now the US legal system has recognized that decentralized protocols and smart contracts are not owned by anyone, and thus a new type of infrastructure.

We’re at an inflection point, with excitement building around this renaissance. The Nov 26 Fifth Circuit court ruling shook things up, and now high profile people are bringing attention and excitement to peer-to-peer privacy and data security. Let’s keep the momentum going :fire: :fire:

(More tweet examples: 1 | 2 | 3)

Legal findings like the recent Fifth Circuit Court ruling will affect how digital privacy is practiced, and thus the adoption of blockchain tech at scale. Our campaign title and messaging should reinforce this, and it should be fun :person_cartwheeling:

It’s also an opportunity to ramp up the post-launch Namada momentum :ocean:
If this campaign pops off and goes viral, it would attract attention and energy around Namada ahead of Phase 5. PGF shouldn’t be boring :person_shrugging:

It will show people that amidst dysfunctional “DAOs,” the Namada community can coordinate to be effective :handshake: People will talk about it and want to copy it.


Love this idea. Would suggest a 3 week campaign just to allow more time to get the word out and expand things into the first week of New Year when folks are still in the giving mood.


absolutely! three weeks makes more sense to me

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I support this initiative.

Communication wise, focus has been on data protection for a while. Now it is time to highlight Namada’s public goods funding side.

We need to figure out how to make the campaign a success. Most importantly, how can we realize a significant donation to be proud of and how do we make this campaign go viral? We can study what made Gitcoin and Juicebox campaigns successful.


That’s quite an interesting initiative with a fast marketing twist. I support this :+1:


dismad would support this proposal :shield: :zebra: :hearts:


I support this!
It’s an excellent opportunity to start doing good deeds and drawing attention to what Namada enables.


(updated image Dec 20)


Proposal drafted:

I’m Gavin Birch (x.com), and we (Luminara) are organizing a Donor Drop. This is a signalling proposal to gauge support for this campaign. The idea is for Namada PGF to get NAM into more hands, while driving donations to Coin Center’s ethereum address: 0x15322B546e31F5Bfe144C4ae133A9Db6F0059fe3

The idea and info about Coin Center here: [Draft] Signalling proposal - Will you support an airdrop campaign using Namada's PGF?


Instead of directly donating $NAM tokens, we’d like to use PGF NAM to drive ETH donations to Coin Center. Coin Center donors during the Donor Drop window would qualify for a NAM airdrop claim. In the end, Coin Center would have a liquid asset (instead of NAM) and donors would have early access to NAM. Please see my amateurish diagram: [Draft] Signalling proposal - Will you support an airdrop campaign using Namada's PGF? - #8 by Gavin

I’m pretty excited that this could be an elegant new token distribution mechanism/strategy, and I hope that other communities will copy it.

  • 1,000,000 NAM for the allocations to donors

  • approx 3 week campaign and/or donation window

The mechanism isn’t finalized yet, but it may involve a donation cap and time weighting like this (ignore the $ values!): Online Python - IDE, Editor, Compiler, Interpreter

This is a signalling proposal only–please show your support if you’re into this. We will need to follow up with a PGF proposal with the list of donor tnam addresses so that Namada’s PGF can distribute NAM to them. (What’s neat is that this can be done before Phase 5.)

If you would like to be involved, any of these could help:

  1. a response on the forum topic ([Draft] Signalling proposal - Will you support an airdrop campaign using Namada's PGF?) and/or a tweet
  2. feedback (or advice) about the campaign and/or mechanism
  3. a front-end page to see donations in real-time
  4. something else that we haven’t thought of

Thank you to all of the folks who have helped!


Signalling proposal is live! https://namada.valopers.com/proposals/2

Here’s a formatted version of the proposal description

PGF Donor Drop - Coin Center

Namada stakers and validators, I’m Gavin Birch :wave: (x.com)
Submitted on behalf of Luminara, we are proposing that Namada support a Donor Drop for Coin Center.

Instead of directly donating $NAM tokens, we can use PGF to drive ETH donations to Coin Center by rewarding donors with NAM. Coin Center gets funding in ETH (instead of selling NAM), and donors get pre-market access to NAM.

So far our community likes this idea. Stakers, this is a signalling proposal to gauge your interest. We want Namada to use PGF to broaden the distribution of NAM, while driving donations to Coin Center’s ethereum address: 0x15322B546e31F5Bfe144C4ae133A9Db6F0059fe3

  • Compelling? Please vote yay
  • Disagree? Please vote nay (and please post why in the forum topic!)
  • Unsure? Comment/question in the forum topic, or vote abstain
    Read on…

Forum topic: [Draft] Signalling proposal - Will you support an airdrop campaign using Namada's PGF?

I’m pretty excited that this could be an elegant new token distribution mechanism/strategy, and I hope that other communities will copy it. Please see my amateurish diagram: [Draft] Signalling proposal - Will you support an airdrop campaign using Namada's PGF? - #8 by Gavin

Key details

  • ~3 weeks for the campaign and/or donation window

  • a follow-up PGF proposal to allocate 1,000,000 NAM to the donors

The mechanism isn’t finalized yet, but it may involve a donation cap and time weighting like this (ignore the $ values!): Online Python - IDE, Editor, Compiler, Interpreter

Again, this is only a signalling proposal; we will need to follow up with a PGF proposal with the list of donor tnam addresses so that Namada’s PGF can distribute NAM to them. (What’s neat is that this can be done before Phase 5.)

If you would like to be involved, any of these could help:

  1. respond on the forum topic with feedback (or advice) about the campaign and/or mechanism ([Draft] Signalling proposal - Will you support an airdrop campaign using Namada's PGF?)
  2. tweet about or tell a friend
  3. help make a front-end page to see donations in real-time
  4. something else that we haven’t thought about

PGF shouldn’t be boring–let’s usher in the new wave :ocean:
Thank you to all of the folks who have helped :raised_hands:


I fully support this proposal :ocean:

It’s good to see our community hash this out with such discourse and produce a simple yet solid plan. The goal of this proposal is healthy for Namada and execution of this seems to me a likely scenario. If successful, it would provide resource and positive social pressure on improving representation on a key issue impacting the whole ecosystem.


I support this initiative.


It sounds good. It is a step toward driving NAM mainstream and improving the share of NAM tokens


Hi all,

Dimi here, speaking on behalf of Kintsugi Tech.

Apologies for the delayed response – we’ve had several internal discussions, and we’re now ready to share our opinion.

We fully support this cause and believe Coin Center is a strong candidate for this donation, given their proven track record and achievements.

To simplify our decision, we’ve outlined the following pros and cons:


  • This is an excellent use of PGF and serves as a strong example of utilizing Namada’s integrated PGF pool.
  • The cause aligns well with Namada’s ethos and values.
  • This initiative could bring indirect attention to the project, providing subtle marketing benefits.
  • The overall grant amount is relatively small.


  • The Namada token is not yet listed, and we cannot predict how the market will value NAM upon listing. The actual value may differ significantly from the amount allocated to Coin Center donors.

To mitigate the uncertainty of market conditions, we suggest introducing a small linear vesting period for donors.


While there is some risk involved, we believe the overall benefits to PGF and Namada itself make this initiative worthwhile. Therefore, Kintsugi Tech will vote YES.

Additionally, we would be happy to assist with the donor tracking/claim UI if no one else is already working on it.


pro-nodes75 support this proposal and voted YAY :+1:

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Great initiative, it will help to popularize namada a lot


Thank @Rigorous and @Gavin for this initiative it’s super important to distribute NAM among more people and this great idea of how we can do this. Support it!


This proposal is already getting some positive press coverage :fire:


Late to the party but big fan!

I’ll be voting Yay on this proposal :smiley:


Sounds like an interesting experiment - almost like tax rebates for 501(c)3 donations, except it works not just for the supporters of Coin Center + values-driven donors, but also people who’d like to speculate on the value of $NAM (e.g. if value of $NAM > donation amount). Conceptually I don’t like to encourage the latter to game the system, but I’d be very curious about watching how this plays out.

It might beome a model for similar public goods efforts in the future; consequently, if we could collect data (if possible…hah!) and analyze effectiveness, that might yield longer term gains.

Have you considered that larger donors probably benefit less from airdrops, meaning the $NAM is better spent on smaller donations? If you have already considered in your proposal but I missed the implementation detail, pls ignore me :slight_smile:

1 million $NAM sounds like a lot for an experiment - would you consider a smaller pot?

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