Dyne.org - RPGF nomination

I’m TG x Thoth and would like to nominate Dyne.org, a digital community and free software foundry, for their long-standing work on free & open source software, and their research & development on cryptography & blockchain protocols & tools.

Selected projects relevant to cryptography & blockchain:

  • Zenroom is a small, portable and secure language interpreter of a domain specific language called zencode, able to execute cryptographic operations and smart contracts in a multiplatform environment.
  • ReflowOS is an operating system for communities who want to create federated and secure economic networks to foster the creation of distributed value chains – satisfying human needs, without exceeding planetary boundaries.
  • Interfacer enables a data-based circular economy via global collaboration and local production. Our vision is to promote a circular, resilient, and digitally-based mode of production and consumption that enables the greatest possible sovereignty, empowerment and participation of citizens all over the world. We want to support Fab Cities to produce everything they consume by 2054 based on collaboratively developed and globally shared data as commons on the web.

(Links to the projects are on the website)

Selected publications:

  • Reflow: Zero Knowledge Multi Party Signatures with Application to Distributed Authentication
  • The Real Crypto Movement
  • Bitcoin, the End of the Taboo on Money

(Links to the publications are on Jaromil’s page below)

Contact: Jaromil <jaromil@dyne.org>

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@raymond do you know this?