Key Namada metrics

It would be great to start identifying key metrics that would help make Namada easier to use, to set expectations, to identify key issues, to track our progress, and to make our successes visible :bar_chart: :mag:

Here are some examples–grateful for folks to add to them :pray:


  • shielded transaction numbers (versus unshielded)
  • shielded token numbers and/or $ value (versus unshielded)


  • rewards rate
  • total inflation rate at a given moment
  • slashing risks based on the validator

I have a bunch more I’d like to add, but just wanted to get this conversation started. Tagging some folks who came to mind: @cwgoes @brentstone @adrian @preto @spork.Knowable @CryptoDruide @sirouk @Daniel


I think we should present and explain clearly what are the use cases of Namada and who would be the users for each use case. Then, there has to be very strong tailored marketing of each use case to each target group in order for Namada to have a lot of users

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yes, @CryptoDruide has begun this! perhaps it would be helpful to begin a dedicated from topic to collect ideas

I like the idea of a “shielded set health” metric which would combine information about:

  • diversity and amount of assets held in the shielded set
  • diversity of inflows and outflows (timing, amounts, assets, IBC source/destination, …)
  • diversity of shielded transfer usage patterns (mostly timing)
  • … and perhaps other metrics

into either a single score or/also a dashboard that could be used by users to get a sense of how much data protection Namada can provide for them.


I second you on this. I was reading Gavin’s post and began thinking about the value on Namada per shielded asset. This combined with the inflows/outflows of each asset kind of gives you an idea of shield health, shielded power level if you will. Perhaps that could be an extension of the Namadillo Interface, made visible within a subsection. It might even be as important to put it on the home page main page as an HUD. Thoughts?