Papers/AirGap - RPGF nomination

I would like to nominate Papers for the work on Sapling on Android and iOS mobile devices.

Utilized in the AirGap Vault and AirGap Wallet mobile application, the Sapling library introduces the capabilities to create Sapling proofs for WASM, Android and iOS.

  • sapling - common sources in Rust, provides C and Wasm bindings for Zcash crates
  • sapling-wasm - a JavaScript library using Wasm bindings from the sapling package
  • sapling-android - a native Android library using C bindings from the sapling package
  • sapling-ios - a native iOS library using C bindings from the sapling package

Sapling on Mobile

With the introduction of Sapling in AirGap, Tezos-based users are able to create Sapling transactions on an offline mobile device, that acts as their hardware wallet. Through the native integration, the proof generation was reduced to seconds.


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