I think we need trustless and decentralized RPCs for NAMADA from the Lava network.
Lava is a modular network which rollups use to bootstrap a performant network of infrastructure providers. RPC requests are routed to the best available provider, giving developers and users optimal service.
I think this is an important step to increase security and developer experience. Also, relying on experience from the shielded expedition with the RPC task we faced with several problems:
- Where to store all existing RPC created by the community?
- How to check that RPC running and up to date
- How to know that a specific RPC is valuable and used by other community members?
All these issues can be fixed by Lava protocol. We don’t need to collect all RPCs and check their performance/usage/liveness all we need is to check that specific provider relay requests for Namada
I have prepared a proposal and written a spec to add Namada to the Lava Network. You can check it on the Lava forum