Nominations call for Namada apps, tools, and services 🧰

It’s been a long haul–MUCH longer than anyone could have imagined :steam_locomotive:

Despite the ups and downs :roller_coaster: the delays :hourglass_flowing_sand: the challenges, :mountain: there are so many amazing folks that have continued to double down their bet on our community and ecosystem–especially those who have been continuing to build important stuff.

There have been some key contributions :key: that we (Luminara :low_brightness:) think really stand out as being impactful within Namada, and we’d love to publicly recognize these :high_brightness: Will you help us?

Call for Nominations

This is a call-out for Namada community public goods nominations for outstanding contributions :star_struck: Which apps, tools, and services are you using to interact with or build with Namada? Are they accurate and reliable? Which features make you say “yaaas, this is sooo much better than having to ______ .”

There have been some awesome explorer-related creations that we’ve used.

Undexer & Fadroma - founded by @Daniel - enables explorers (and likely others) to index and serve key Namada data
Prior to Undexer, primarily only wallet interface data was indexed. Undexer has lowered the barrier to entry for new explorers to deliver accurate results so that they can focus on a better user experience. Fadroma could be critical for apps and services to serve key IBC data. Both are completely open source :heart:

Explorer75 - created by @shurinov
Supports basic & advanced functionalities on Campfire + Housefire testnets and mainnet. Intuitive interface, particularly easy to reason around governance proposals. For example, navigating a PGF proposal is uniquely smoooth–there’s a drop-down list of PGF recipient addresses + amounts, and I can click each for insights into that address:

Valopers - created by @alx -
Supports basic & advanced functionality on Housefire testnet and mainnet. Attractive interface that I imagine Namada users will appreciate. It’s our go-to for seeing how different validators & addresses voted on each proposal, as well as the voting records for each validator. Valopers also does a good job displaying info about each address, like transactions, things like how many claimable rewards it has, and all of the current delegations & unbondings the address has. - created by @Daniel
This was the first explorer with advanced functionality. We aren’t currently using, but it’s been a staple of the Namada community during the incentivized testnet and beyond, and it has made our lives a lot easier. It doesn’t appear to be up-to-date currently, but regardless, we think it deserves the same kind of recognition that the other explorers deserve.

Coverlet’s Namada Explorer Beta - created by @Leon
Supports basic & advanced functionality on Housefire testnet and mainnet. A newcomer explorer that has rapidly stepped up in quality and functionality, not only is this an explorer, but it also has an integrated wallet interface for staking and governance. Personally I find the landing page intuitive and pleasing to look at.

Sproutstake - created by @Oneplus
Supports basic & advanced functionality on Housefire testnet and mainnet. An up-and-coming explorer, @Oneplus has been engaged and receptive to suggestions for improvements and new advanced functionalities. There are MASP metrics already!

Which others? We’ve definitely missed some, I’m sorry–halp!

Future superstars :sparkles:

There are others working on some neat things that are still in the works that we’re watching for future nominations, like

How to help

Would be super helpful if you could:

  1. Nominate one contribution, and provide
    a) the URL / github / etc
    b) briefly tell us what you particularly like, and
    c) if this has been helpful, mention how
  2. Give shoutouts about what people are making, and comment on other nominations
  3. Spread the word :mega: let’s get more folks in here and nominating

Thank you Gavin. I would like to make a few clarifications:

-‘Future’ seems innacurate, our custom UI has been working since the mainnet launch in early december last year and since then it worked smoothly for the phases 1 and 2 with all the functionality for these phases. Our custom UI so far has been the only custom UI developed and featured in the Namada website. Many times most Namadillo versions were outdated and luckily users could be rescued with our custom UI. Moreover, we got feedback frequently from users that they find our InSync custom UI easier to use and more intuitive than Namadillo. Developing this custom UI took us an insane amount of work, we first started during the SE, in fact amongst thousands of participants we were the only ones who built a working staking UI after the SE and we got a prize for this as outstanding contribution. We continued this hard work to build the current custom UI, so overall it has already been over a year of hard work

-‘In the works’ it should be specified that it is only the full phase 3 functionality, all the phase 1 and 2 functionality is working smoothly and the phase 3 tab for MASP and more should be also ready very soon

Therefore I feel it is innaccurate to classify our custom UI as ‘future superstar’ for future nominations but rather it should be a ‘current superstar’ for the current nominations

Just a correction in regard to Shielded Live explorer @Gavin, it’s still working - it’s just that it’s now under maintenance due to some issues faced post-upgrade that devs are already troubleshooting + a migration to an upcoming new release of Undexer v5 (from the current v4).

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It’s great that you’re engaged and plan to include advanced features, @CosmicValidator :raised_hands: I think if Omniflex’s interface supports any amount of advanced Namada functionality it could be noteworthy :sparkles:

Why not draw attention to this when it works and there’s value being added? This won’t be the last opportunity to use Namada PGF to help recognize Namada tool contributors :high_brightness:

I know there’s some customization (insane amounts of work?) to update the existing Cosmos chain interface (eg.;;; etc) to support some of the Namada txs & queries, but is now the time to put a spotlight on this?

I mentioned Coverlet above–beyond being an explorer, their interface also has the same staking and governance voting functions:

We’re at a point where there needs to be more advanced features than just staking and governance functions, imo, to be noteworthy and worth recommending to someone else to use it. Which I know Omniflix is intending to do, with your support :fire: Looking forward to seeing just what the Namada-Omniflix can do :eyes:

Hello folks,

I created and operate a live Namada consensus map and free monitoring service at Vido by Atalma.

It continuously indexes each block and each validator’s participation. Metrics are generated as they happen and you can sign up with any email and subscribe to notifications for any validator when: validator status changes, you start missing blocks (it will continuously alert you as you approach the jail/liveness window), and when you are unjailed. Alerts are rich emails with some contextual information about what has occurred.

We also host the same service for Nym (another CometBFT privacy focused service), Celo, and will soon be adding Ethereum, ICP, and many more CometBFT networks.

Later I’ll be adding generic alert configuration to various tools like Discord, Telegram, PagerDuty etc. Let me know if you have any queries or feature requests!


Well we are hard at work to support all the advanced phase 3 features asap which are almost ready. But please note we are doing this with 0 funding or support from Namada which is tough especially given the large delay for phase 5. And even supporting all the phase 1 and 2 features was hard work, did you see any other custom UI for Namada? Because I am only aware so far of Namadillo hosted by several entities

Sorry Gavin but this feels disrespectful and I will just assume this comment is done due simply to ignorance. The interfaces for Cosmos chains are totally different, Namada is not Cosmos SDK, is built from scratch in rust so we had to built our interface from scratch too, it is not like another Cosmos chain that of course it is much simpler to create the interface, the only similarity with the Cosmos interfaces is the URL similarity. I mean if you think it is so easy to create a custom made UI built from scratch for Namada, why we are the only ones in the whole Namada community that have built this?

Of course we are well aware we need to include the phase 3 features and we are hard at work to do this. But did you maybe think it is not so easy with 0 funding from Namada and the phase 5 being so delayed? If we had even just a bit of support all the advanced features could be ready by now. It feels strange that critical infra for Namada, not just our custom UI, is being overlooked and left unfunded which is serious, while tons of heavily discounted NAM is being given away shortly before phase 5. And this UI is a joint project between Cosmic Validator and OmniFlix, we just kept the URL for consistency with the OmniFlix name

seems like a neat service! fyi it’s not working for me–just keeps reloading when i click subscriptions with a button to log in. i’m using a mac with brave browser. feel free to DM me if i can be helpful

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Did you click the email verification link that was sent to you? If you already did, try turning off Brave shields. We don’t have any intrusive scripting of our own, just the auth provider widget sometimes plays badly with shields.

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Can i Nominate validator info? haha =)

if it’s ready to go, sure!
if it’s up-and-coming, give it a shout-out!

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Nay. Was just messing. Still in the making.

We CI into the dev first (also live and can be tested) and then merge, every now and again, to validatorinfo. Preparing some indexers and re-writing the backend logic slitghly now, so a lot of things wont work. Also the network profile pages arent ready yet. But you can already go and search for namada validators. It will even show a demo profile page with some real data, but the UI is also far from finished.

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Thanks for getting this discussion started, @Gavin! I’m going to offer my thoughts based on my own personal experience and habits.

I personally use the Valopers explorer from @alx the most. I love the way it looks and feel like each tab is well done. The Uptime tab is super cool, you can easily see gov voting history of accounts, and it has almost everything one needs in an explorer. Room for improvement:

  • increase uptime window to be > 100 blocks (maybe 1k or 10k)
  • Better display for the data of a governance proposal (like how Namadillo does it)

I also have used Explorer75 from @shurinov a good amount, especially since they were the first operators to run block explorers for the testnets. A super clear, great overview dashboard, very useful Consensus tab, and really also a pretty complete explorer. I know it is loved by many.

I also used from time to time from @Daniel, but it’s become stale and outdated recently. However, I think that is largely because @Daniel has been leading the way in other important endeavors like IBC relaying. This team did, however, build Undexer and Fadroma, which are very important early tools in Namada that are used by some block explorers and other services.

I haven’t used Sproutstake or Coverlet much, but I think both of these teams are on the up and coming. Coverlet seems cool in that can connect to the wallet within the explorer, and Sproutstake has gotten up the first simple MASP metrics dashboard.

I haven’t used any of the Future superstars interfaces as @Gavin mentioned.

  • I haven’t really used this interface from Cosmic Validator and Omniflix. I’m wondering who else favors this sometimes over Namadillo, would be great to hear from some community members. It does seem fast though!
  • Haven’t looked at this
  • the NodesGuru explorer looks like minimal effort and minimal support. I suspect NodesGuru is typically just hooked up easily to Cosmos SDK and CometBFT chains, and this one is getting the CometBFT data that Namada has available, but nothing else since we don’t have Cosmos SDK. I like their explorer interfaces in general, and it would be cool if they actually supported one for Namada

Thank for your words @brentstone. Just a correction - the 1st working explorer on testnets was Shielded Live, not explorer75.

Your assumption is correct, and Shielded Live will be up soon again because I’ve been troubleshooting and giving a hand to make it possible - which doesn’t mean necessarily that it’s stale nor outdated.

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hey @Daniel is there a way that you could signal this to users? eg. a banner or a notice on the landing page

it might be confusing otherwise, and it’s been a few weeks

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Yes @Gavin, you’re right - will inform about this, even though let’s see what comes first, if the explorer recovering or the signal that it’s down. Anyway, good suggestion in case happens something similar in the future. Thanks!

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yes! that worked!

Thanks for bringing your service to our attention :saluting_face:

How long has it been running for? Are many folks using it in Namada? Do have plans to expand the feature set? It would be interesting to know what kinds of things people want to be notified about–governance proposals come to mind.

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No one is using it haha. Only 2 sign ups so far for Namada.

Currently it alerts on:

  • Status change (below threshold, jailed, active, inactive)
  • Each 1000 consecutive missed precommits up until you’re jailed
  • Jailed / unjailed

Would be happy to monitor governance proposals and/or binary releases etc if there’s interest.

This module to add Namada to our Vido tool was built as part of the community builder’s program a long while ago, we were one of the few projects actually building tooling rather than posting memes haha. I didn’t want to launch it on campfire as it was being reset every Friday at the time. We didn’t do too well in the token voting ultimately, not high profile enough to solicit votes in the community at the time.

I just noted that metrics indexing is behind head, I’ll catch it up shortly so it’s timely.

Happy to hear any suggestions / improvements / feedback. We’re doing a UX/front-end re-skin and improvement in April so should be a bit snappier after that.

I friended you on Discord to discuss if you were having any problems if you had any direct feedback.
