Namada’s inaugural Donor Drop is tomorrow 
Target: Coin Center
Key details
Donate ETH to Coin Center’s mainnet Ethereum address to be recognized and rewarded by the Namada community.
Begins 15:00 utc on January 18, 2025 (Saturday)
Ends when 30 ETH has been recognized, or at 15:00 utc Jan 24
0.03 ETH minimum
0.30 ETH maximum (but feel free to donate more!)
1m NAM reward pool
Have your Namada tnam address, convert it to hex, then include it in the memo field when you donate to Coin Center:
Donation should be no earlier than 15:00 utc, and beware the 30 ETH cap!
We’re watching pls don’t bot from multiple accounts!
The app developers are not responsible for allocating NAM rewards. Coin Center is not responsible for NAM rewards. The Namada community will review donations and use a Namada governance proposal to decide and distribute Namada’s community token. Nobody from Namada is responsible for Coin Center donations, so we do not have the power to refund them.
How to follow along
Join us in the #general
channel of the Namada Discord server!
@zenodeapp worked with other esteemed community members (@preto, @Rigorous @sirouk) to make and host an app to support this Donor Drop and it’s pure
Alternatively there’s a google sheet here.
These interfaces are just to help make this a fun experience and so folks know when the cap is approaching–it is not a promise for tokens! The Namada community will decide.
Thanks to everyone who turned up to the Donor Drop test run on Thursday!
What’s a Donor Drop?
A new token distribution strategy pioneered by Luminara. Participants donate toward a public good/service, and the community coordinates to reward donors with their token. I think of the Donor Drop as the part that we liked about ICOs combined with the part that we liked about airdrops. The Namada community signalled strong support for this campaign in late December: [Draft] Signalling proposal - Will you support an airdrop campaign using Namada's PGF?
Why Coin Center?
This is an opportunity to reward people with our community’s token, NAM, for contributing to Coin Center, a key advocacy group. We need advocacy from organizations like Coin Center to get fair rulings–rulings that will affect our community’s vision and mission.
About Coin Center
“Coin Center is the leading non-profit research and advocacy center focused on the public policy issues facing cryptocurrency and decentralized computing technologies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.”
About the Donor Drop
The Namada community signalled strong support for this campaign in late December: [Draft] Signalling proposal - Will you support an airdrop campaign using Namada's PGF?
The Namada Donor Drop is a win-win-win. We could directly donate NAM to Coin Center, but they need runway, not a new token with no established market. However, there are people who do want this new token, and before there’s a market.
Namada can get its token into the hands of those who are attracted by our mission and want to join our community as NAM owners. Even though Coin Center is receiving the donations, they do not need to be involved! And Namada does not need to be involved in the donations! In fact, we are just collecting public information about on-chain donations, and have no control or involvement with the donations themselves (which means we cannot refund anything or intervene )
The Donor Drop is a more elegant way to do public goods funding, and we expect and hope that other communities will do it too.