Hello! I’m writing this on behalf of Luminara
We launched the Donor Drop proposals, and are excited to be proposing Donor Drop Round Web3Privacy Now
This is a PGF (public goods funding) proposal asking voters to distribute a total of ~340,000 NAM to the six (6) Namada addresses listed below, in recognition of the community-built and supported the Donor Drop app experience.
This proposal will be tested and reviewed after being executed on the Housefire testnet.
To our knowledge, the Donor Drop was the first of its kind. The experience was made possible by some amazing folks that banded together to make an app to support the Donor Drop, an entirely grassroots effort. People were amazed at how successful the Donor Drop was, but were even more amazed at how engaged, dedicated, and talented our community is to be able to build and launch this app in ~3 weeks
It would be great to help recognize these amazing contributors with
~200k NAM for creating and supporting this Donor Drop app:
- Zen - 112,192 NAM (56.1%) -
- Anon - 74,000 NAM (37%) -
- Bengt - 13,800 NAM (6.9%) -
- Rigorous - 5.318008 NAM (~0%) -
We’ve asked them for consensus on contribution/impact percentages, and we lifted their tnam addresses from Discord/forum/etc profiles–so @zenodeapp @bengtlofgren @Rigorous please correct us if something’s incorrect. Rigorous’ number is symbolic
We’d like to thank TuDudes (@sirouk @Veight) for hosting this Donor Drop app, but perhaps it makes more sense to do this in a dedicated PGF proposal, since TuDudes has done so much Namada infrastructure work
Even though Anselm and Jojoraky didn’t end up being involved beyond the beginning, we’re grateful for their engagement and efforts and want to help thank them with 15k NAM
Bonus thank you of 15k NAM for early Donor Drop app attempts:
- Anselm - 7,500 NAM -
- Jojoraky - 7,500 NAM -
Zen recently open-sourced his beautiful front-end, which can now be used to support future rounds
He is essentially giving it to our community. We’d like to ask voters to allocate an additional 125k NAM to Zen to help recognize him for giving our community (and the world) all of his front-end code
Free and open-source front-end software:
- Zen - 125,000 NAM -
Keep it up!
Front-end work in general is predicted to be the kind of work that Namada will need most in the coming months and foreseeable future.
Folks worked insanely hard on this, of their own accord, with no hint of compensation. The beauty of how Namada’s PGF works is that we can effectively drive increases in Namada network ownership toward active contributors. Let’s get these folks some more Namada ownership and keep the PGF culture rolling.