Donor Drop success: 36.78 ETH donated to Coin Center

The Donor Drop is complete! ~200 donations were made to Coin Center in ~30 minutes totalling 36.78 ETH (~$125k)–WOW!

On Dec 9, on behalf of Luminara, I floated the idea of the Donor Drop on the forum: Idea: use PGF to airdrop NAM to donors to Coin Center 🔥
Also in the Namada Discord

The idea? Reward the addresses of people who donate ETH to a public donation address during a defined window of time and capped at a defined amount.

The engagement that followed exceeded my expectations. In fact, that’s how we came to decide to target Coin Center (thanks for the feedback, cryptosj! thanks for the suggestion, Rigorous!). On Dec 16, we (Luminara) launched a signalling governance proposal, and within 48 hours it was clear that the Namada stakers/validators were strongly in support of Namada launching a Donor Drop: Namada | explorer75 | Powered by pro-nodes75

The method? Each donor includes their Namada address in the memo of their public transaction when donating to Coin Center, and the Namada community watches for and records the Namada address. However, we needed to report a tally so that donors would know when the cap was about to be reached, so I posted this doc: Namada Donor Drop - Google Docs

The solution? An app that made the Donor Drop an amazing experience:
The Donor Drop app came entirely from within the Namada community–nobody was hired to do it. At least seven Namada community members got involved at different times and different ways on a few potential solutions–special thanks to Anselm and @ppascual, Jojoraky! Ultimately things converged into a group led by @zenodeapp that included an anon, @Rigorous, @bengtlofgren. ZEN, in particular, made a herculean effort to make this happen–the entire front-end was his. There was no suggestion of being paid to do this–they just went for it. Because you can just do things.

Perhaps you could post your tnam addresses below? Or in your bio, so that people know how to tip you. I know that we (Luminara) would love to drop you some thanks :slight_smile:

Work on the Donor Drop app began on Dec 21 and finished ~Jan 16, thanks to sleepless nights (including the holidays) from the incredible Donor Drop app team, ZEN in particular. @sirouk (TuDudes) spent all of Friday setting up hosting and preparing the app for launch.

When the Donor Drop window opened on Saturday, January 18, Coin Center’s address received nearly 200 donations, totaling 36.78 ETH, worth about $125k when the Donor Drop finished: Coin Center (0x15322B546e31F5Bfe144C4ae133A9Db6F0059fe3) | Address 0x15322B546e31F5Bfe144C4ae133A9Db6F0059fe3 | Etherscan
The Donor Drop lasted a total of 30 minutes before hitting the cap.

What’s particularly interesting is that Coin Center was not involved in the Donor Drop, they were just the donation beneficiary. The Namada community is not involved in the donations, just the NAM airdrop to the donors. We’re hopeful that other project communities will also adopt the Donor Drop mechanism to drive funding toward public goods and services that benefit our broader, surrounding crypto/OSS/internet/Earth communities. Please message me if you have questions and/or want to collaborate!

Crypto gives us a powerful new way to coordinate public goods funding. This was a win for Coin Center–because they received a liquid asset to fund their operations–a win for donors, because they’ll receive NAM as a reward pre-market, and a win for the Namada community. Our goal was to leverage our economy to drive support to public goods/services like Coin Center, while distributing our community token to those attracted by our mission and broader vision.

Thank you to the Coin Center donors–thank you for participating, for supporting Coin Center, and we hope you’ll be part of our community! This is the list of donors: Donor Drop - coincenter.eth - Google Sheets
And the next step will be for me to draft a Namada PGF proposal on behalf of Luminara.

The Namada community will aim to distribute Donor Drop NAM rewards before token transfers on Namada are enabled and before there’s a market for NAM, and Coin Center donors will be the first set of new Namada token-holders since Namada’s genesis :fire:

On behalf of Luminara, I’d like to extend a big thank you to everyone who supported this! From the community feedback–Rigorous suggested Coin Center–to the stakers/validators that voted in support, of course everyone who rallied around the app development (including those who gave feedback and helped with testing!), and Zach’s team for helping to get the word out, and @sirouk’s team for their dedication to hosting the app :raised_hands:

We’re already getting excited and plotting our next Donor Drop :eyes:

Edit: Argh! how can i forget to thank Coin Center for all of their amazing work?? Please check out their latest work: Coin Center Fellow Michael Lewellen is suing the DOJ over their criminalization of software development.
and even tho this Donor Drop has ended, it’s still not too late to donate purely to support Coin Center and their incredible work!



Just want to say that this wildly exceeded my expectations and was executed flawlessly as far as I’m concerned. Well done to everyone involved and all those who donated! Hoping to see more campaigns like this in the future.


A big congratulations to everyone who has been involved in this Donor Drop.
It has been a real success, and it’s awesome to see how our community can coordinate to spread good within our ecosystem.

A big shoutout to our community members who have done amazing work on it and made this initiative possible, and thank you, @gavin, for bringing this great idea to life.


Argh! how can i forget to thank Coin Center for all of their amazing work?? Please check out their latest work: Coin Center Fellow Michael Lewellen is suing the DOJ over their criminalization of software development.
and even tho this Donor Drop has ended, it’s still not too late to donate purely to support Coin Center and their incredible work!


Thank you for the kind words! Grateful to everyone who donated, contributed to its development and helped bring this to life.