Will you be at EthDenver? Look out for @Veight, @mauricewbr, and David / Aaron (Osmosis)
Soon, users will begin shielding OSMO (Phase 3). It’s not in the Namadillo interface yet, but technically it will be possible to execute shielded Osmosis swaps
To celebrate Phase 3, they’ll be handing out these bad boys
(OPTIONAL) Distribution ideas
- David (Osmosis), @Veight (TuDudes), @mauricewbr (Heliax) will be distributing coins in person at various EthDenver events. Any other ideas?
(OPTIONAL) Landing page
- can be co-designed (or give us your input), this is where the embedded NFC would send the coin holders: https://osmo.luminara.icu (blank slate!)
(Optional) We could produce some basic co-marketing materials
HUGE thanks to @aaronxkong for helping us to get OSMO to these coins
Feel free to reply here, or join the convo in the Osmosis forum!