Pre-Genesis Stage 1 begins!

Hey Namada Validators :eyes:

Assuming we’re good with this [Proposal] Mainnet 🚀 plan, we’re ready to begin Pre-Genesis Stage 1! This is the stage for creating your mainnet validator so that it’s ready for delegation in Stage 2 :rocket:

:ballot_box: You may submit your mainnet validator pull request in this github repo: GitHub - anoma/namada-mainnet-genesis

:mag: @spork.Knowable has created these instructions: Namada Mainnet Pre-genesis Instructions - HackMD

:rotating_light: sign up for validator alert emails here:
(these will be actionables for devops, same as the validator alerts announced on our Discord)

:newspaper: sign up for validator news emails here by checking the appropriate box
(these will be Validator Circle alerts & recaps, and other validator community type news)

Anyone can join Pre-Genesis Stage 1; there’s no hand-selected genesis validators happening or whatever, because we’re starting the way we mean to continue, and this is as permissionless as it gets. We’re just using github to coordinate, but all valid PRs will be merged.

It’s okay if your operator account has no NAM. And even if you’re still deciding whether or not to run a mainnet validator, you should still create your validator in this stage so that your operator address has NAM to pay gas fees during the phases of mainnet should you decide to run it before Mainnet Phase 5.

There is no deadline yet for Pre-Genesis Stage 1, but we will give you at least 4 days notice before moving on to Stage 2. Stage 2 will be for delegations.

We’re using #pre-genesis-chatter channel to chat, if you want to help provide support, have questions or concerns, etc. After merging your pull request, we’ll add your mainnet validator role and you’ll be able to write messages in the #mainnet-coordination channel.

Again, please sign up for this new mailing list for email-based validator alerts, these are for devops actionables only (because it can be hard for devops to follow discord):

lfg!! :rocket: :rocket:


As per our Discord announcement and email (late posting here, apologies), Pre-genesis Stage 1 will technically close on Monday at 21:00 UTC. Stage 2 (delegations) will begin at 8:00 UTC on Tuesday.

However, validator creation will remain open during Stage 2 delegations, but you will not be able to edit or delete your validator.

On Monday we’ll follow up with a forum post (and announcement) for dedicated pre-genesis delegation instructions.